Wednesday 28 December 2016

Advances in Logic, Operations and Computational Mathematics

Journal of Applied & Computational Mathematics Volume 5, Issue 2 comprised of 7 research articles and 4 opinion articles and is focused on the innovation of polygon, Euler, linear and non-linear equations.

computational applied mathematics impact factor
EL-Kholy et al., in their research article discussed about balanced folding over a polygon and Euler numbers. The study proved that for a balanced folding of a simply connected surface M, there is a subgroup of the group which is called all homeomorphisms of M that will acts 1- transitively on the 2-cells of M.

Gil et al., in their research have reported about the exponentially stabile non-linear, non-autonomous multi variable discrete systems. Based on the recent estimates on matrix equations, the findings suggest that a class of non-autonomous discrete-time systems is governed by semi-linear vector difference equations along with slowly varying linear parts.

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