Thursday 19 January 2017

Polignac's Conjecture with New Prime Number Theorem

In number theory, Polignac's conjecture was made by Alphonse de Polignac in 1849 and states: For any positive even number En, there are infinitely many prime gaps of size En. In other words: There are infinitely many cases of two consecutive prime numbers with difference En.

physical mathematics journal
The conjecture has not yet been proven or disproven for a given value of En. In 2013 an important breakthrough was made by Zhang Yitang who proved that there are infinitely many prime gaps of size En for some value of En<70,000,000.

For En=6, it says there are infinitely many primes (p, p + 6). For En=4, it says there are infinitely many cousin primes (p, p + 4). For En=2, it is the twin prime conjecture that there are infinitely many twin primes (p, p + 2) as shown in Figure 1. For En=0, it is the new prime theorem.

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