Friday 30 June 2017

From Monge-Ampere-Boltzman to Euler Equations

applied computational mathematics journal
In Hsiao study the convergence of the VPB system to the Incompressible Euler Equations. Bernier and Grégoire show that weak solution of Vlasov-Monge-Ampère converge to a solution of the incompressible Euler equations when the parameter goes to 0, Brenier and Loeper for details. So, is a ligitim question to look for the convergence of a weak solution of BMA (of course if such solution exists) to a solution of the incompressible Euler equations when the parameter goes to 0.
The study of the existence and uniqueness of solution to the BMA system seems a difficult matter. Here we assume the existence and uniqueness of smooth solution to the BMA and we just look to the asymptotic analysis of this system.

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