Tuesday 30 August 2016

Comparison between Robust and Classical Analysis in Bivariate Logistic for Medical Data

Representing medical data and biological important part in experiments are concerned with Human life, the primary objective of this research is to use the statisticaloptimization method analysis for the data and knowledge of the important factors affecting the variables of the study (liver fat, liver size), where the variables are interconnected there is a need for statistical method to examines the degree of their relationship, we used bivariate logistic. 

Bivariate logistic
To achieve the of the research on the field study will be done in Al-Sadr medical city in the province of Najaf by taking a sample of 150 people auditors diabetes and liver disease center, from the statistical analysis results we observed the degree of diagnosis model in both method are good, and also we monitored that impactfactors in responses (liver fat, liver size) and some comment as multivariatelogistic in the Future.

This research(study) aims to review the method of bivariate logistic distribution in order to study and analysis effecting factors on the response variables (the degree of liver fatty and increase of liver size in Human beings) using the data of medical tests to compare classical and robust analysis when some values are outlier in the sample.

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