Monday 8 August 2016

Solving Traveling Salesmen Problem using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm

Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a relatively new meta-heuristic and successful technique in the field of swarm intelligence. This technique was first introduced by Dorigo and his colleagues. This technique is used for many applications especially problems that belong to the combinatorial optimization. 
travelling salesman problem algorithm

ACO algorithm models represent the behavior of real ant colonies in establishing the shortest path between food sources and nests. The ants release pheromone on the ground while walkingfrom their nest to food and then go back to the nest. The ants move according to the richer amount of pheromones on their path and other ants would be followed and will tend to choose a shorter path which would have a higher amount of pheromone. Artificial ants imitate the behavior of real ants, but can solve much more complicated problem than real ants can.

ACO has been widely applied to solving various combinatorial optimization problems such as traveling salesman problem (TSP), job-shop scheduling problem (JSP), vehicle routing problem (VRP), quadratic assignment problem (QAP), etc. Although ACO has a powerful capacity to find out solutions to combinatorial optimization problems, it has the problems of stagnation, premature convergence and the convergence speed of ACO is always slow. These problems will be more obvious when the problem size increases.

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