Monday 24 October 2016

Simulations of Three-dimensional Second Grade Fluid Flow Analysis in Converging-Diverging Nozzle

An analysing flow pattern in a converging-diverging nozzle has been one of interesting topic in computational fluid dynamics. There are numerous applications of this flow phenomenon in aerospace and engineering sciences. Such processes are difficult to handle analytically due to complex mathematical model associated to the flow and ensuing instabilities carried by flow parameters. Looking back to the history Jaffery and Hamel, in their studies considered the converging diverging channel steady two dimensional Newtonian fluid flow. 

Converging-Diverging Nozzle
They observed quiet interesting results by treating Navier-Stokes equations with similarity transforms. Further developments were presented in Schlichtinh and Batchelor based on the boundary layer approximations. Makinde examined the in compressible Newtonian fluid flow by incorporation of linearly diverging symmetrical channel. Recently, Zarqa et al. performed approximate analytical analysis using Adomian decomposition method for a channel with variable diverging ratio. 

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