Tuesday 25 October 2016

The ABCs of the Mathematical Infinitology. Principles of the Modern Theory and Practice of Scientific-and-Mathematical Infinitology

Mathematical Infinitology
In any, praiseworthy hobby, business or the craft, being appeared at the human persons for a long time process of evolution, and thanks to the mental and creative abilities growth, sometimes among the advanced people were developed such high spheres of human knowledge or personal skills or intellectual abilities, that a lot of centuries and even the millenniums came or passed away, before some difficult scientific idea or the secrets of the craft could be at last found their final decisions or they were transformed by the human individuals into such form of the representation or embodiment, available for their natural perception by people, specialists or scientists, that a team of higher skilled experts could only recognize this or that decision as a perfect standard.

It isn't necessary to go far very much for the examples! The most ancient and the unresolved task is a secret of natural prime numbers, the cornerstone of the scientific theory of their knowledge and studying was put by Eratosphen Kirensky, the Ancient Greece mathematician, being lived in the III century B.C. The knowledge by the human persons of the Great truths of the World was always, from the time of immemorial destiny, the elite of possessing advanced thinkers being had a rich life experience. 

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